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The Zodiac Signs in Depth - Sign 3- Gemini

Keeley Bella

Heyyyy Beautiesss

In this post I am going to be talking about the third zodiac sign, Gemini !

Gemini Basic Information

Gemini is the 3rd of the 12 zodiac signs.

Time- 21st May- 20th June - includes the 1st of June

(I mention this because you may associate Gemini with June because it includes the 1st of the month, we sometimes think of the 1st of the month when we think of specific signs and it can help us remember the dates off the top of our head a bit easier )

Polarity- Positive

Element- Air

Mode/Quality- Mutable

Season- A Change in Spring (Northern Hemisphere), A Change in Autumn (Southern Hemisphere)

Ruling Planet- Mercury

Ruling House- 3rd House

Gemstone/s- Agate & Emerald

Flower/s- Lavender & Lilly of Valley

Colour/s- Yellow

Constellation- includes around 16 stars- the brightest and most notable are Castor, Pollux, Geminga, Messier 35 Cluster, Eskimo Nebula, Jellyfish Nebula, Medusa Nebula

Opposite Sign- Sagittarius

Sign 3- Gemini Description/Summary

As I said, Gemini is the third sign in the zodiac. It is a Mutable sign (my post on the Qualities/Modes in Astrology is linked at the end), which means that it marks a Change in a Season. Specifically, it marks a Change in Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, which is a Change in Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere.

Gemini has a Positive/Masculine/Yang Polarity and is an Air Element Sign.

The Ruling Planet of Gemini is Mercury. Mercury is associated with communication and intelligence, and one of the most important thing for Gemini's is freedom of communication and thought.

Every one of the 12 Zodiac Signs have both positive and negative characteristics and none of them are fully bad or fully good, I am going to talk more about the good vs bad traits of the sign...

Positive Characteristics of Gemini

◦ Talkative/Communicative

◦ Social/Extroverted

◦ Flexible & Adaptable

◦ Versatile

◦ Intellectual

◦ Inquisitive

◦ Informative

◦ Lively

◦ Fun

◦ Playful

◦ Flirtatious

◦ Entertaining

◦ Amusing

◦ Quick Witted

◦ Clear Minded/ Clear Thinkers

◦ Charming

◦ Curious

Gemini is the most adaptable and flexible of the Air signs as it has a Mutable Quality, which is also the most flexible of the 3 modes. They are completely opposite to Taurus in that they welcome change and are able to effectively deal with it. In fact, without change and constant 'shake up', Gemini can become quite bored. They definitely prefer more action as opposed to no action, and might enjoy conflict and challenges. They don't particularly like being at the centre of conflict, but they do enjoy watching it.

Gemini is lively, fun, amusing and entertaining. In the same way, they like to be entertained. This is why they may be entertained by conflict, especially when it involves other people.

One of the most important thing's for a Sun Gemini, or someone with a lot of Gemini energy is communication. They value being able to have freedom of thought and communication and have a way with words. They are talkative, and able to tell you exactly what they are feeling. Communication is truly one of Gemini's main strengths, and they know how to get their point across with their words. They may not have to deal with awkwardness when it comes to speaking and they can find thing's to talk about with just about anyone, even strangers! This is extremely favourable, and Gemini's may not be able to understand how other people become so awkward and have a real hard time with conversations, it just isn't an issue for them. They can be really good people to have around, because they constantly come up with thing's to talk about and there is no awkward silences or spotty conversations. They will be especially good around people who do have a hard time communicating, and they can really put these people at ease and make socialising easier for them.

Gemini is extremely inquisitive, curious and intellectual. They are quick thinkers, are quick witted, learn fast and they are extremely good at academics, teaching and other similar areas. They have an innate need for knowledge, and they want to know as much as they can cram into their brain. Their curiosity has no bounds, and they like to know everything about every topic they can. They are interested in a wide range of topics, and may find it difficult to pick one subject to study because they are just very versatile and want to know it all.

Gemini are fun and amusing, and are quite likely to be the centre of attention and the life of the party. They may have a lot of friend's and get along with a lot of people. They are playful and flirtatious and love having a good time. You can count on them to be very energetic and they are the type of people who introduce friend's, being the initial connection between a variety of people. They can make other people feel comfortable and included.

Negative Characteristics of Gemini

◦ Inconsistent

◦ Unpredictable

◦ Inconsiderate

◦ Unreliable

◦ Rushed

◦ Manipulative

◦ Disingenuous

◦ Unemotional

◦ Forceful

◦ Cunning

◦ Evasive

◦ Gossipers/Drama Lovers

◦ Can be Immature

◦ Restless

◦ Two-Faced

The Mutable Quality of Gemini means that they can sometimes be extremely inconsistent as they can be TOO flexible and adaptable. It can seem that they constantly change and flit from thing to thing and idea to idea without ever sticking to one thing for very long. In this way, it can be hard to get to know them truly as they seem to change every time that you think you are starting to understand them. Of-course, change in life is inevitable and idea's and opinions change, but sometimes this goes to the extreme with Gemini and they welcome change too freely, sometimes getting extremely bored with routine which is also inevitable and needed in life.

Gemini's are great at reading the room, have a way with words and are adaptable. These are good traits but can become negative when they read other people's emotions and adapt themselves to suit this, which can lead to them being a little bit manipulative. They can talk their way out of a wet paper bag and can trick people in order to come across as genuine when this may not always be the case. As they adapt themselves to other people, it can mean that they lose themselves in the process. They are chameleons and change depending on who they are taking to but this can mean that their true values and thoughts get lost in the process as they change themselves to suit everyone else and in this way may lose sight of what they really think and feel. They can be a little two-faced if they are not careful. However, sometimes Gemini do this in order to avoid conflict and to prevent anyone becoming hurt or loosing friends by saying what they really feel or think.

Gemini doesn't necessarily like being at the centre of conflict themselves, but as I said above, they are highly entertained by it and in this way may be the gossiping type. They like to talk, and they are likely to revel in drama and spread rumours around. They don't necessarily mean to do this, they are just very turned on by action and there is no better action than a good argument or scandal. They may get themselves in trouble because of this and may actually draw themselves to the centre of the argument by talking about it non-stop and spreading it around. They are great messengers, and sometimes the messenger get's shot! Their sociability can make this even worse for them as they tend to talk to a lot of people and may pass the same information onto them, meaning that they are the ones to spread gossip to the majority, so it can be linked back to them quite quickly and thus can put them in the firing line.

Since Gemini is a highly flexible and adaptable energy that welcomes change, they can be quite unpredictable at times and this can lead to them being a little bit unreliable. They may set plans and then not follow through with them, especially if they find these plans too mundane and boring. They may cancel appointments if they wake up and feel like they don't wanna go to them. They may let people down sometimes, and can be viewed as 'flip-floppy'. They may cancel plans at the last minute for new, better ones and this can rub other people the wrong way, especially if they are dealing with someone who is less flexible, values plans and has more Fixed energy, such as a Taurus. They can be a little bit inconsiderate of other people's time and plans, and can be quite self-absorbed in this way, not understanding why other people may get a little frustrated with them.

Gemini may be extremely persistant in their quest to get whatever they want, and can be quite inconsiderate of other people. They can shoulder the blame onto other people when they are really at fault and may have a hard time accepting any wrong doing and taking accountability.

Gemini becomes bored easily and needs constant stimulation, so they have no problem starting tasks but the issues arises when it comes to finishing the tasks, especially if they become bored, which is quite likely.

How can Gemini Balance their Negative Traits?

There are so many ways that Gemini can learn to balance themselves, helping to tame the natural negative traits they may have.

Although someone with a lot of Gemini energy will always be flexible and changeable and as a result quite unpredictable and unreliable, they will do well if they start to respect other people's time and they should make an effort to stick to plans, no matter how boring they may find these plans. They should follow through with plans or be very careful when they are creating plans, making sure they are not giving someone a definite 'yes' if they are not quite sure if they are really going to follow through. This will prevent unnecessary arguments with other people, and will help them look less unreliable. Alternatively, if they do have to cancel plans, they should do this in a timely manner and not at the last minute. If they continue to let people down like this, eventually they can get a reputation for being unreliable and not someone who can be depended on and this is not a good thing. If they continue to do this, it can turn into a 'the boy who cried wolf' situation, and when they actually do plan to follow through, other people may not believe them because they have been let down so much in the past. If they start to understand that not everyone is as adaptable as them and that some people NEED solid plans , they can learn to be more respectful of other people, even if they do not understand it.

Gemini will also do well if they tone it down on the gossip. It is in their nature to want to be stimulated a lot of the time and conflict and drama fills this need for them, but sometime's they need to learn that other people are not around just to entertain them. If they continue to talk about conflict or arguments to everyone they speak to, they are going to draw themselves into the middle of the feud and they may end up looking like the bad person in the situation because they continue to feed into the drama. They talk to a lot of people and spread gossip between these people, and in this way they are going to traced back as the original spreader of this information, and this isn't going to sit well with people. Gemini loves drama and talking about it but sometimes when they are identified as a spreader, they sit back and wonder why they are suddenly drawn into the centre of the conflict when the reason is because they are the one's that can't stop talking about it. They need to realise that by revealing in the dramatics so much, they are just as bad as the original people in the drama. They need to realise that not everything is for their entertainment and thing's can be quite serious and not taken lightly or used just so they don't become bored. If they try to distance themselves from drama every once in a while (they don't have to completely but certainly a little), they will find their life a little easier.

Since communication is so important to Gemini, they may push someone else to value it as much. For example, if they get into a heated fight with a loved one, they may sometime suffocate them with words and just keep talking instead of letting everything calm down. This isn't necessarily malicious, they just want to talk thing's out and communicate how they feel, but they can make thing's worse in this way, especially when they are dealing with people who have a harder time expressing themselves and do not have a lot of Gemini energy. If they learn how to step back and stop talking so much in situations like this, they might find arguments blowing over quicker.

Sometimes Gemini will do better if they become more accountable for their wrongs in certain situations and they may need to take a step back at times and recognise that the world does not revolve around them. At times they can be a little dismissive of the feelings of others, especially when it comes to their own wants and needs. They cannot blame everyone else for everything that happens, and they will do well if they start to identify thing's about them that they may need to change. Once they open themselves up to this, eliminate ignorance and understand how they contribute to situations, they can get back to their fun-loving nature. They have such a natural ability to make friend's, and if they eliminate the bad aspects of their personality, nothing will get in the way of these friendships.

Suitable Careers and Professions for Gemini

Since Gemini's are masters at communication, they will work well in any job that requires communication. They work well with people, and are very social. Their extroverted ways and their expertise at communication makes them perfectly suited to jobs where they will be working directly with a lot of people. They don't seem to become as drained by constant communication as some other people do, and therefore are perfect at jobs where they will have to deal directly with the masses. These include jobs in sales and accounting, and also at jobs such as communication managing and dealing with a large work-force of employee's. Gemini becomes bored easily, so the excitement of constant interactions with different people can be highly suitable for them and can make them much more optimistic and happy in a job that involves this.

Gemini has an intense need for knowledge on a wide variety of topics, and they do well in academics, such as teaching, getting advance degree's and PhD's. They are great thinkers, and their thirst for knowledge makes them perfect at being in academics positions. They may also do really well as reporters and journalism, and they don't have much issue with approaching other people for information. When you are working in reporting jobs especially in the media, you have to have your wits about you and not be scared to put yourself out there to gain information and Gemini's are perfect for this position. They also don't mind doing whatever it takes to get what they want, and are suitable in cut-throat positions in media due to this.

Some Examples of Jobs Gemini's Might Succeed In Include (but are not limited to....)

◦ Writer ◦ Research ◦ Professor/PhD/Doctor

◦ Academics ◦ Teaching ◦ Sales/ Shop Manager/Shop Worker

◦ Reporter/Journalism/Media/Press ◦ Content Creator

◦ Language Interpretation ◦ Communications Manager

◦ Accounting ◦ Financer ◦ Marketing Manager

◦ PR/Representation

Gemini Keywords

◦ Communicative ◦ Talkative ◦ Flexible

◦ Adaptable ◦ Inconsistent ◦ Unpredictable

◦ Inconsiderate ◦ Fun ◦ Lively

◦ Charming ◦ Social ◦ Witty

◦ Quick Witted ◦ Versatile ◦ Cunning

◦ Deceptive ◦ Curious ◦ Intellectual

◦ Flirtatious ◦ Fast ◦ Amusing

◦ Entertaining ◦ Funny

Links To My Related Posts

My Post on Planets/Angles in Gemini- Coming

My Post on House Cusps in Gemini- Coming

Thanks for Reading Babes!!!

Love Always, Keeley, xoxoxoxoxo

I am going to put up information on how you can request a chart reading from me soon xoxoox

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