Heyyyyy Beautiesssssssss
Each of the 12 signs of the zodiac are assigned and categorised into 3 groups- Polarity, Element and Mode. This means that each sign has a specific polarity, a specific element and a specific mode.
The unique categorisation of the signs into each of these groups gives us a better understanding of how each of the 12 signs work. Without the signs being categorised into these groups, we wouldn't be able to gain an understanding of them and also would not be able to distinguish them from each other.
For example, the 3 Fire Signs are different from each other and do not have the same characteristics; just because they share the same element type, it does not mean that they will not share the same mode type. In this way, they are going to be different. We can gain a better understanding of the similarities and differences of the signs by grouping them into the 3 categories, and just because they belong to the same element group or polarity type doesn't mean they are the same.
Today, I am going to be talking about the Elemental Groups and what they mean.. I will link my post on the other 2 groups- Polarity and Mode- at the end of this post.

The Elements in Astrology- Triplicities
In Astrology, each of the 12 signs are categorised into 4 element types- Fire, Earth, Air and Water. The Elements are also referred to as the Triplicities.
Each element type has 3 signs and is in a Trine aspect to each other around the chart.
The following signs belong to the following element types....
Fire- Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Earth- Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Air- Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Water- Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
As I said above, the element type of a specific sign gives us a better understanding of how the sign works, how it is expressed and what characteristics it exhibits. Depending on the 2 other groups the sign falls into- the Polarity and Mode/Quality - (discussed in upcoming posts, I will link below when published), we can interpret each sign and how it works with accuracy.
You may think that the sign that your Sun is in (aka, your Sun sign), determines what element type best describes you, but that isn't the case. In astrology, we use a scoring system to determine the element that best represents you and is strongest in your chart (it can be even, or it can be extremely unbalanced. This means that more than one element type can represent you). We calculate each chart point, looking at the Planets and other relevant celestial objects in your chart. At the end of this, we add everything up and calculate the score, which allows us to determine what element is strongest, what one is lacking, etc.
This means that just because your Sun is in , say, Scorpio, it doesn't necessarily mean that the Water element best describes you. Only after we calculate each chart point and add it all up can we determine the amount of elements you have in your chart. We do give the Sun sign an extra point, but we also give the Moon sign an extra point, as well as sometimes the Ascendent sign and Personal planets (Mercury, Venus and Mars). The Sun Sign and Moon Sign always get an extra point, but the Ascendent sign and the signs the 3 personal planets are in can also be given an extra point.
Sources regarding this calculation and extra points are mixed (although the Sun and Moon sign always get an extra point), so I normally do 4 calculations of elemental balance- one with only the Sun and Moon sign getting an extra point, one with the Sun, Moon and Ascendent sign getting an extra point, one with the Sun, Moon, Ascendent and Personal Planet signs getting an extra point and one with only the Sun and Moon sign with extra points but other relevant objects such as the North and South Node, Chiron, Lilith and Fortune added into the calculation. This gives me a more thorough overview of the elemental calculations. The one I mainly look at though is the Sun, Moon and Ascendent with extra points and the others normal points, doing multiple just gives me a more thorough look.
The amount of elements in your chart can help us determine characteristics of your personality.
The Elemental Scoring System doesn't just show us which Element is strongest in your chart and the one that best describes and represents you, it also shows us which/if any Element is lacking, and it can also show us how balanced you are. This allows us to be able to identify problems that may arise from a lack of balance between the elements in your chart. This further allows us to give you advice on ways that you can try and make up for any imbalance, which can help to improve your life and any day-to-day issue you may face.
Someone who has an equal amount of Fire, Earth, Water and Air energy is going to be more balanced and can exhibit characteristics of all of the elements. However, if the elements are extremely unbalanced, it can lead to problems, depending on which element is lacking or too strong, etc. Problems can arise from an element being too strong, and problems can also arise from elements being too weak in the chart.
Gaining an understanding of your unique elemental balance can really give us a huge look into how your mind works and it allows us to come up with ways that can help you become more stable and balance your unique personality.
Without determining the elements in your chart, it can be hard to give you advice that is actually going to be proactive. Also, when you know your elemental balance, you gain a better understanding of yourself, why you do the things you do, why you are the way you are and why you think the way that you think.
When you know this, it allows you to be able to create steps and incorporate changes that are going to effectively help you change your life and anything that you may struggle with in regards to yourself. It can be hard to change because your unique elemental balance is so ingrained into your personality, but once you know what you are lacking or what is too strong, you can constantly work on ways to balance yourself. It won't be easy, but when you know why these patterns may arise, it is always going to be easier to identify the problems and try to correct them.
For example, if you find out that you lack Fire in your chart, you may suddenly understand why you find it hard to stick-up for yourself, which can help you to be able to incorporate ways that you can start to defend yourself more. This will in turn prevent other people from controlling or manipulating you, and give you more self-confidence.
I am now going to go into each Element Type in greater detail, and tell you what a lack of, or a extreme presence of, each of these elements can mean for you.
To help you visualise how each element works, keep in mind the image you get when you think of each element. For example, Fire is fierce, Earth is grounded, Air is everywhere, etc, etc.
Also keep in mind that sometimes, a lack of an element can exhibit as an emphasis of an element as the native tries to compensate for the imbalance, even though they may not be aware of this.

Element 1- Fire
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Polarity- Positive,Masculine, Yang
The Fire Element in Astrology is quite like Fire in the general sense of the word. It is fierce, full of energy and can be hard to contain and tame. Just like all elements and signs, Fire is necessary and has some positive atributes- Heat and Fire is needed to, say, melt steel together to create things. We wouldn't have buildings, bridges, etc, without this. However, it can also easily get out of control and needs to be contained, or else it can become quite dangerous.
Depending on the amount/balance of the other elements, someone with a high amount of Fire in their chart may be very outspoken, extroverted and outgoing. They can have extremely strong opinions, and can become set in their ways and ideas. They may find it hard to accept criticism, and probably won't shy away from confrontation. They will probably be good debaters, and will make good leaders. They are impulsive, and sometimes rush into thing's that they may not think fully through. They are spontaneous, extremely motivated and have a lot of idea's. They may have an abundance of idea's , and they usually have no issue's starting projects but the issue arises when they struggle to finish these projects because half-way through they may get bored, or may be bombarded with newer, better ideas so they sometimes struggle to finish tasks. They hate to be bored, and like to have a lot of thing's going on at once. They are fast-paced, and multitasking can be one of their strong suits, even if they don't always finish everything. The Fire energy can kind of in a way be compared to ADHD, this doesn't mean everyone with a lot of Fire will have ADHD, but there mind does tend to. be pretty chaotic and they may be very fast.
People with A LOT of Fire in their chart may find it difficult to take other people's opinions, thoughts, wants and needs into consideration. They may be too controlling, wanting everyone to bend to suit them, and may be unwilling to take other people into consideration when it comes to their own wants and needs. They may have some issues in regards to anger management, becoming extremely enraged when they feel that they are being unfairly criticised. They may also perceive criticism differently, they may feel that they are being unfairly judged when they are not, and sometimes they need to understand that they are not always right and there is other sides to stories except for their own. In this way, they may need to start to learn how to react better when someone does not agree with everything that they say; they can be extremely protective of themselves, but sometimes they need to learn how to be more open to the ideas of others and realise that just because someone disagree's with them that it does not mean that the person is against them. When they start to stop perceiving judgement or criticism from others as a direct threat on them, they can control their fiery nature more. They may frequently get into arguments with people and it can seem that they are always at odds with someone. Once we identify that someone has a lot of Fire in them, we can come up with ways that they can start to tame this, which can lead to better conflict resolution and can make their life more peaceful. By understanding why they get so immediately fired up when they perceive that they are being criticized, we can start to control that fire which can lead to a better and more peaceful life in the long run.
It's not all bad though, people with a lot of Fire may often defend and stick-up for people, becoming enraged when they see someone being treated unfairly. This can make them good at being in positions and careers that revolve around the justice of others. They are also very aware of when someone else is trying to manipulate them, which prevents them from being led astray.
Someone with a high amount of Fire in their chart may be good competitors, and will be suited to competitive sports such as athletics competitions, and other sports where they are going up directly against others. Someone with a lack of Fire may be less likely to want to engage in these types of sports and prefer to participate in sports where they compete against no one but themselves, such as activities in the gym. Competing with other people and the stress that arises from it may not be something people with a lack of Fire want to deal with, whereas someone with a lot of Fire may excel in stuff like this.
Someone with a lot of Fire (depending on other elements), may be good in careers such as law, where they frequently have to defend other people. Not only do people with a lot of Fire need to see justice and stand up for people that may be weaker than them, they also do not shy away from confrontation and have no problem being in intense debates. This can make them extremely suited to careers such as courtroom law, either for the defence or prosecution, when thing's can get quite heated and intense. They may also make good law enforcement officers as they are less intimidated by other people, although this may also be bad because they may allow the power that comes with this kind of career to give them a big head, which could very well lead to corruption (again, depending on the balance of the other elements). Someone with a lot of Fire will also be suited to positions in parliament, as they have a good sense of leadership and can be less self conscious when it comes to enforcing and fighting for the thing's that they believe in. Basically, someone with a lot of Fire may excel at the type of career's which are "cut throat"- politics, law, etc- because they are better able to deal with the intense stress that comes with these types of careers. Conversely, it can be a double edged sword if they are not able to step back and look at the bigger picture without thinking that their way is always the right way.
This is why a democracy works so well, the leader of the party is the stronger person, capable of standing in-front of a lot of people and putting themselves in the firing line of an entire nation and sometimes the entire world, whereas all the other people are there to make sure that the person in power is not able to be too corrupt and completely railroad the whole country with their ideas, which can end up very badly.
People who LACK Fire (again, depending on the amount of the other elements) in their chart may be easily taken advantage of and may find it extremely hard to stick-up for themselves when needed. They will often shy away from confrontation, and don't like upsetting or being at odd's with other people, even if that means putting themselves at a disadvantage.
Someone with a Lack of Fire in their chart will probably not be best suited to careers like courtroom law as they will find the pressure and intense debating with others extremely draining and stressful, and may allow that stress to get into their psyche. This can have quite a negative impact on them. They are best suited to careers which require minimal stress. However, they may find advocate work and justice for others appealing too, they will just be best suited for careers in this field where they are acting on and looking after other people without having to fight and debate others. For example while probably not best suited for courtroom law, they may make great victim advocates, Even though they may lack a fiery personality, they may have the perfect temperament that is suited to careers in which compassion is necessary.
In regards to someone with a Lack of Fire in their chart being in careers such as politics and running for top positions like president or prime minister, the stress and extreme criticism of the masses, aka, an entire nation (and sometimes the world) , would most likely cause them to crumble and fall, as they are not able to take this kind of judgment and come out on the other side mentally okay. When someone with a lack of Fire is in a career or position where they are being shot at, so to speak, from multiple directions, they will constantly second guess themselves and will be extremely sensitive and aware of what other people think of them. They are not able to deal with this kind of judgment in a proactive way, and can become extremely damaged from it. They may be all too aware and sensitive to stressful situations , so may be best suited to a positions where they can avoid this kind of intense stress. They will probably feel the adverse effects of negativity more than someone with a lot of Fire, and it can really have a bad impact on their mind. They will be best suited to positions where they experience more positivity than negativity, as they also will be more sensitive to the good effects of positivity.
Someone with a lack of Fire may be extremely good negotiators because they are able to weigh up each side and come up with ideas and ways to please both parties. In this way, they can still be involved in careers such as politics where they can be subjective and take all opinions into consideration. Also, they feel good when they can get to the bottom of a situation while pleasing multiple people, so may feel good in a career where they can resolve conflict. That way, both parties and multiple people will be happy with them, and they will feel a very big sense of achievement when they resolve issues that require fairness. They can be good mediators, being able to weigh up each side and come up with something that is going to suit everyone.
Issues that can arise from Lack of Fire
Sometimes, people with a lack of Fire may feel that they have been pushed around and taken advantage of throughout their life, and even though this is deeply ingrained in them, they do have a choice in regards to what they put up with and what they don't. It can be extremely, extremely difficult for these types of people to stand their ground though, but it's important to remember that we cannot blame this squarely on others as someone lacking Fire needs to come up with ways to prevent being walked all over. In this way, after time, when someone lacks Fire and feels that they have been pushed around for too long, it isn't uncommon for them to have a sudden snap. They may get to a place when something just triggers them, they feel like they have been pushed around too much, and they may suddenly snap. This can be explained in the idea that a lack of an element sometimes exhibits itself as an emphasis of an element as people try to compensate, they may not have a lot of Fire in them, but at some point, they may reach a impasse so too speak, and can suddenly take action. I don't think the rage will last long, but sometimes in a split second, they may have enough and can lash out. This can lead to dangerous situations where someone who is not usually impulsive, suddenly becomes impulsive at what they see as a injustice that they have felt throughout their life, and at some point they may feel that they are sick of being controlled, and can lash out at whoever happens to be the one to push them to this level. No matter what is lacking or what is emphasised, a human reaction to being controlled is to lash out, so people who have a lack of Fire in their chart need to start learning ways that they can react in a healthy manner to being pushed around, and come up with strategies to stop this and finally stand up for themselves. It can be very dangerous when someone who has experienced a lack of Fire and has been pushed around by people who have strong Fire ,and they lash out and can quickly turn. to impulsive violence. One example I can think of this is the case of Dede Blanchard, the young girl who let her mom control her for years, telling her she had illnesses she didn't, who one-day had enough, snapped and turned to violence. Another example is woman who are in domestic relationships who are pushed to the brink by their stronger and controlling partners, who have an impulsive urge one-day after they have had ENOUGH, and they kill them. This rage doesn't necessarily last very long, but can have very disastrous consequences not only for the people they hurt, but for themselves when they face jail time for this impulsive, violent episode they feel they have been pushed too. Most of the time, they will calm down after the episode, but by that point what's done is done. This is why it is extremely important for these people to start to stand up for themselves in daily life more often, so they can try to avoid any sudden violence episodes.
The planet most closely associated with the Fire element is Mars, and it's position in the chart can make up for a lack of Fire, or it can make it even stronger.

Element 2- Earth
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Polarity- Negative, Feminine, Yin
The Earth Element in Astrology is a logical and grounded energy. It is concerned with building and concrete results.
Someone with a lot of Earth energy in their chart may be very career driven, methodical and analytical. They like to get concrete results, and they may rely more on logic rather than intuition. These people are the types of people who may not believe in what they cannot see. They rely on and need visualisations, and it can be hard for them to get their head around and understand things that they feel like have no practical applications. They are realistic and dependable, but may not always be extremely emotional. This lack of emotion and reliance on the practical can sometimes make it seem like Earth energy is hard to reach, there is a gap that is hard to cross and get to and sometimes it feels like someone with a lot of Earth energy will keep people at arms length but never allow people to become too close. It can feel like they distance themselves from the emotional aspects of life, but this is mostly just because they deal with the intellect and logic rather than intuition. They do not like drama and will most likely keep their distance from confrontation unless completely necessary or if it is related to work, they do not engage in conflict just for the sake of it. They will most likely find it extremely unattractive when people do this. In this way, they may chose a partner who is equally grounded and down to earth and not extremely emotional or reactive as this type of energy will most likely turn them off, especially as they think that this type of thing is downright petty, and there is more important things to worry about in life, like working. They like to engage in things that are meaningful and worthwhile, and will probably not spend too much time on something that they feel is unworthy or insignificant for their time. They manage their time very carefully, and time is another resource that they carefully balance. They are organised and like to keep thing's in order, they are very good at routine and arranging their schedule. They are able to prioritise extremely well, as they have an extremely analytical and practical mind.
Someone with a lot of Earth energy make excel in academic subjects such as mathematics and statistics as they have a wonderful ability to be able to work with and understand concrete results and absolutes. They may be extremely well suited to careers in managing and running businesses or corporations, as they are able to organise and compartmentalise more effectively than other signs. They like stability, set routine and sometimes they have a hard time when it comes to change. A lot of Earth energy can make it hard for a person to take time out, and they may have expectations of themselves that are too high and are sometimes unrealistic. In saying this, sometimes it seems like they need less down time when it comes to working and they have a pretty good ability to be able to deal with stress. They are the over-workers, and people who are obsessed with their career.
People with a lot of Earth energy can become quite greedy and over satisfied and sometimes even obsessed with possessions. They may define their self-worth based on what they have, and can be very materialistic. They can also be too attracted to pleasure, which can manifest itself in addictions and they may become over-indulgent. They may feel like enough is never enough, and may struggle to formulate boundaries when it comes to healthy vs unhealthy pleasures. They may work extremely hard only to buy more and more, and may feel like they will never be satisfied with what they have. They may over-work themselves, and can become so addicted to their career and working that they neglect other important aspects of life, such as family, friends and external hobbies. In saying this, they are extremely connected with nature, and may enjoy doing thing's outside, such as hiking, fishing, camping, etc.
Someone with a lot of Earth energy is more likely to become addicted to things for the simple pleasure of it, as opposed to say, Water energy, who may become addicted to things to escape their intense emotions, or Fire energy, who may become addicted to thing's to attempt to calm themselves down. Earth energy is extremely connected to the body and the senses, and external pleasure is important.
Someone with a lack of Earth energy in their chart sometimes lacks stability, and can go from relationship to relationship or job to job without wanting to settle down. They may find a set routine too confining and don't like to feel trapped. Conversely, someone who lacks Earth energy may find it hard to move on when necessary, they can fail to see the logic and reasoning for actions and change, and can hold on to things for way too long. They are less likely to be analytical and weigh things up so that they can see things for what they are and make a smart decision based on this. They may have trouble when it comes to figuring out what they want out of life, and can find subjects like mathematics and statistics difficult. A lack of Earth energy can manifest itself in financial difficulty and an inability to be able to budget and/or prioritise. They may struggle to find a work vs personal life balance, preferring to put less emphasis on their career and focus on their personal life, which is the opposite of someone who has a lot of Earth and finds it hard to balance work vs home life.
A lack of Earth energy may manifest itself in a person not seeming to take responsibility seriously. They may have a difficult time when it comes to growing up and acting like an adult as they can be quirky and fun and less enthusiastic when it comes to working.
The planet most closely associated with the Earth element is Saturn, and it's position in the chart can make up for a lack of Fire, or it can make it even stronger.

Element 3- Air
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Polarity- Positive, Masculine, Yang
The Air Element in Astrology is associated with communication and thinking.
Someone with a lot of Air in their chart highly values their freedom of thought and freedom of communication and is very intellectual. They are extremely talkative, and will probably have a way with words. They are able to express themselves freely through their communications, and make excellent writers. They tend to have no issue with letting people know how they feel, and are good at explaining and conveying their feelings and thoughts. Someone with a lot of Air energy (depending on the balance of other elements of course) will most likely be extroverted, sociable and good with people.
Someone with a lot of Air in their chart will be great in careers where communication is frequent and important. They may be really good at working in sales, where they frequently have to communicate with and charm people. Unlike other signs and elements, Air signs seem to be able to deal with a lot of people without becoming drained or feeling like they need space. They are able to communicate and get their point across so well that they may be really good in careers where they are representing other people. They are sociable and know how to convey emotions with words so well that they make extremely good humanitarians and intellects as they are able to communicate effectively with the masses. They may have a lot of idea's but may struggle with being able to do everything that they want to do due to time constraints. They have a lot going on in their mind and they try to do the most that they can. In this way, they can become quite indecisive when it comes to weighing up and choosing what they want to do, they have so many idea's that it can be hard for them to pick from them. They can become frustrated when they feel like they are working against time constraints and don't have the freedom to do what they want to do. They have high energy and are fast-paced. They will probably not take kindly to being told what to do and certainly not how to think, they value their freedom of thought more than anything else. They are not likely to be influenced too much by the opinons of others as they are able to think on their own and come to their own decision about things. They are adaptable and can fit in with the majority, but that doesn't mean that they take on their opinons, Air signs are extremely free-minded.
Sometimes a lot of Air in a chart can manifest itself in someone not taking life seriously and kind of flitting around, putting too much emphasis on the social aspects of life and not wanting to take anything seriously. They may find social media careers more appealing than other's, and they will probably be very suited to this type of career too. Someone with a lot of Air energy is highly interested in academics, but they may sometimes become distracted by the social aspects of life and may miss out on study time due to this. They recognise the importance of a work vs life balance, but they are more inclined to suffer from FOMO (the 'Wish I was there' phenomenon) and don't like missing out on things relating to society.
Someone with a lack of Air in their chart may neglect the social aspects of life, and prefer to be in a position where they have to deal with as less people as possible. They may find it hard to express themselves and when they do try, they can often feel misunderstood and like they are failing to get their point across. Sometimes they may feel like everyone overlooks their emotions and doesn't take them seriously. They can become quite disconnected in this way, feeling like no matter how much they try to explain themselves and how they feel, that no-one will understand anyway. They may find social situations extremely draining, and prefer to be alone and are quite introverted. Someone with a lack of Air energy may be more susceptible to social anxiety and other social problems, feeling like they only relate to a select number of people. They are often misunderstood, and feel like no matter how hard they try, that they sometimes just cannot get through to people. They are highly interested in intellects, and may take the academic route in life, getting PhD's and becoming doctors in a specific field. They may really enjoy research, but might not like the teaching side of academics where they will have to be around a lot of people and working hands on. Someone with a lot of Air energy will be more suited to hands on, face-to-face teaching whereas someone lacking Air energy may be best suited to the behind the scenes, research side of academics. Someone lacking Air energy has less inclinations towards the social areas of life, so are less likely to become distracted by outside influences and will put a lot of time into studying.
The planet most closely associated with the Air element is Mercury & Uranus and it's position in the chart can make up for a lack of Fire, or it can make it even stronger.

Element 4- Water
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Polarity- Negative, Feminine, Yin
The Water Element in Astrology is an extremely emotional element and Water signs tend to be sensitive, emotional and in-touch with their feelings and the feelings of others.
Someone with a High amount of Water in their chart may. be over-emotional, over-sensitive and may feel things relating to their emotions stronger and more deeply than other people. They may be sensitive to the point that they get their feelings hurt very easily, and may tend to hold on to things longer than they should, preventing healing and growth. In this way, they may be more susceptible to mental illness such as depression as the weight of the world and what goes on in it can deeply effect their psyche in ways that they do not recover quickly from.
On the other hand, a lot of Water in a chart can make someone extremely compassionate, and empathetic towards other people. They may have the ability to be able to put themselves in someone else's position, and in this way can relate to a lot of people and feel sympathy for them. This puts them in a great position to get into careers where they work with and help other people, such as social work, counselling and working with vulnerable children and other victims. To do this effectively however, they will have to learn how to balance their extreme sensitivity to their own feelings and the feelings of others so that they can help people the best way they can without personally becoming 'bogged' down by intense emotions. If they are frequently being exposed to sad situations and do not learn how to effectively deal with them, they can really take that pain into themselves, which can be damaging.
People with a lot of Water energy are extremely nurturing, making them good mothers or fathers, who might dream of having a big family. Due to their kind, sympathetic and caring nature, they might be good foster parents, taking in at-risk children into their home and providing them with love and affection. They may think of themselves in terms of other people, defining their life and self-worth as it relates to others, without thinking of themselves much or what they have achieved outside of other people. For example, they may define themselves as 'Mother, Wife, Husband, Father, Girlfriend', etc, as opposed to describing themselves by other factors such as their employment, likes, dislikes and so on.
This can be bad and it can be good. When relationships break down, someone with extra Water energy may be unable to handle it as they can become very dependent on others, basing their entire self-worth on their relationships. In this way, they need to learn how to be more independent, and try not to get so attached to people.
Since people with Average or Emphasised Water energy are so in tune with their emotions, they often rely on their instinct rather than logic, which can help them prevent or get out of situations that can be potentially bad or dangerous. They 'feel' their way through situations, being able to pick up on negative vs positive vibrations more clearly, allowing them to read situations more accurately. In this way, they can be very spiritual and sometimes even psychic, letting their instinct and how they feel about situations guide them to the right place. They can pick up on the vibrations of others more easily, which may allow them to be able to get a feel of their intentions more clearly, which can prevent them getting involved with people they don't feel 'right' around. If they are in the company of someone who is extremely negative for too long, they will feel it deep inside them and their instinct will tell them to avoid that person. However, people with a lot of Water sometimes want to see the best in people, so they can sometimes be naive in this way, forgetting that everyones intensions are not pure and wanting to give people the benefit of the doubt. If they listen to their instinct and let their feelings guide them, they will end up at the right place.
Someone with a Lack of Water is not necessarily without emotion. Remember, sometimes a lack of an element can exhibit itself as an emphasis of an element as the person tries to compensate for the imbalance. However, a lack of Water energy can manifest as a lack of feeling. It can make someone emotionally disconnected and hardened, making it hard for them to be able to sympathise with others and put themselves in their position, especially if they perceive that the person in question is responsible for the thing's they go through. They may struggle to find meaning in life, and can become disconnected from personal relationships. They may attract overly sensitive people, and then struggle with becoming disinterested or annoyed with them as their emotions are too much for them to handle.
Someone with a lack of Water energy may have strong intuition, but may sometimes be unable to follow this instinct, second guessing themselves and looking to logic rather than how they feel. They may move on from situations quite quickly, not being able to understand why some people stay stuck in one place and are unable to move on as timely and effectively. They may end relationships quickly and may not dwell on the past, simply choosing to move on with life rather than constantly keep thinking of what they feel is over and done with. This may make them come across as cold. Their ex partners might believe that their ability to move on so quickly meant that they didn't love them in the first place, but this isn't always the case, they just move on quicker than other people do, and quicker than someone with Average or Emphasised Water energy may.
Someone with a lack of Water energy may be more focused on themselves, and may not want to have a family or take up a nurturing role. They may define themselves based on their own achievements, as opposed to defining themselves as per their relationships and accomplishments as they relate to other people.
The planet most closely associated with the Water element is The Moon, and it's position in the chart can make up for a lack of Fire, or it can make it even stronger.

The Balance of Elements in a Chart
As I said, everything depends on the specific and unique balance of elements and it is hard to say in any specific sense how an element is going to present itself until you have a bigger view of the 4 elements as a whole and the balance between them.

Links To My Related Posts
My Post on Polarity- https://keeelyx.wixsite.com/keeleybellayoga/post/the-polarity-groups-in-astrology-positive-masculine-yang-vs-negative-feminine-yin
My Post on The Modes in Astrology- https://keeelyx.wixsite.com/keeleybellayoga/post/the-three-modes-qualities-in-astrology-quadruplicities
All of My Astrology Posts- https://keeelyx.wixsite.com/keeleybellayoga/all-astrology
Thanks for Reading Babes!!!
Love Always, Keeley, xoxoxoxoxo
I am going to put up information on how you can request a chart reading from me soon xoxoox
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