Heyyyyy Beautiesssssssss
Each of the 12 signs of the zodiac are assigned and categorised into 3 groups- Polarity, Element and Mode. This means that each sign has a specific polarity, a specific element and a specific mode.

The unique categorisation of the signs into each of these groups gives us a better understanding of how each of the 12 signs work. Without the signs being categorised into these groups, we wouldn't be able to gain an understanding of them and also would not be able to distinguish them from each other.
For example, the 3 Fire Signs are different from each other and do not have the same characteristics; just because they share the same element type, it does not mean that they will not share the same mode type. In this way, they are going to be different. We can gain a better understanding of the similarities and differences of the signs by grouping them into the 3 categories, and just because they belong to the same element group, mode or polarity type doesn't mean they are the same.
Today, I am going to be talking about the Polarity Groups and what they mean.. I will link my post on the other 2 groups- Elements and Modes- at the end of this post.

Polarity Groups in Astrology
In Astrology, each of the 12 signs are categorised into 2 Polarity types- Positive or Masculine and Negative or Feminine.
Polarity does not mean good vs bad, what it describes is two opposing forces. We use words such as Negative and Positive to describe Polarity, but when we use these words we are not using them in regards to the good or bad connotations they carry, what we use them for is to describe two opposing forces- night vs day, masculine vs feminine, yin vs yang.
One is not bad and one is not good, they both have good and bad characteristics. Opposing forces are what makes the world go around. For example, day and night. We can not live without them both, and although you may prefer one or the other, none of them are inherently bad or good. We can use the example of different careers to describe it also, if everyone in the world wanted to be a doctor, the world would not work the way it does because there would be no-one in carers doing other essential things. We could not live in a world where everyone wanted to be doctor's, there would be no engineers, no-one tending to shops. We need opposing forces to work together to make the world what it is and to contribute, if we were all the same it just wouldn't work out. Opposing forces work together and are essential to each other.
When we group each of the 12 signs into 2 Polarity groups, we get 6 signs that are similar and 6 signs that are different. It is in this way we can start to get a better understanding of these signs.
Another way to visualise Polarity and what we mean by it is Adam and Eve, who are "said" to have created all humans (for the record, I believe in human evolution but this is just an analogy). Adam represents Masculine energy and Eve represents Feminine energy, and both were required to create humankind. Without each other, reproduction would of been impossible. The idea of opposing forces has been around since the beginning of time.
Positive/Masculine/Yang- Fire and Air Signs
Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius
Negative/Feminine/Yin- Earth and Water Signs
Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces
The Polarity of the signs alternates each time, and Fire and Air signs are Positive while Earth and Water signs are Negative. This gives us 6 signs in the Positive group and 6 signs in the Negative group.
The Polarity type of a Sign and how many Positive vs Negative points that you have in a chart does not describe your personality like element types do, but describes how you tend to use your energies.
We use the same scoring system as we do with the Elements and Modes, which allows us to get a calculation and better understanding if you will exhibit more Positive or Negative polarity.
When I am analysing charts, I always calculate Positive vs Negative Polarity, but unless the scale is tipped so far one-way or the other-way, it isn't AS important. For example a lot of people have a quite even and equal amount of positive vs negative points, and I only find it completely necessary to take a deep dive into if someone has a relevant imbalance one way or the other.

Polarity Group 1- Positive Polarity
Also referred to as Masculine, Yang,

Signs and Planets with Positive Polarity in Astrology have more fierce energy. They are assertive, intense and know what they want.
Someone with a lot of chart points in Positive Polarity may be outgoing, extroverted and opinionated. They focus their energies outwards, and someone with a lot of planets in positive positions are better leaders than people who have more negative energy. They are better 'leaders' because they can be very sure of themselves, and are not as self conscious as people with a lot of points in negative signs. This means that they don't second guess themselves as much, and in this way are capable of leading a lot of people, especially people with a lot of points in negative signs. They can sometimes be too intense and can get stuck in their ways, not being able to see thing's from other people's points of view.

Polarity Group 2- Negative Polarity
Also referred to as Feminine, Yin

Signs and Planets with Negative Polarity in Astrology have more calm energy.
Someone with a lot of chart points in Negative Polarity may be laid-back, reserved and introverted . They are more cautious and work better under other people, tending to be better 'followers' than someone with a lot of energy in Positive Polarity. They focus their energies inwards rather than outwards, and are very self-reflective. Someone who has a lot of chart points in Negative signs and positions are better 'followers' because they tend to be more self-conscious/aware, and this can make them second guess themselves, making it hard for them to take the lead, especially if they are in a group with people who have a lot of positive chart points. They make better mediators and negotiators as they are able to look at thing's from more than one view point and are not so stuck in their own thoughts and ways, allowing them to take a middle stance.

Positive vs Negative Polarity

Links To My Related Posts
My Post on The Elements- https://keeelyx.wixsite.com/keeleybellayoga/post/the-elements-in-astrology-triplicities
My Post on The Modes- https://keeelyx.wixsite.com/keeleybellayoga/post/the-three-modes-qualities-in-astrology-quadruplicities
All of My Astrology Posts- https://keeelyx.wixsite.com/keeleybellayoga/all-astrology
Thanks for Reading Babes!!!
Love Always, Keeley, xoxoxoxoxo
I am going to put up information on how you can request a chart reading from me soon xoxoox
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My Beauty Blog/Main Site- www.keeleybsmith.com