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The Zodiac Signs In-Depth- Sign 1- Aries

Keeley Bella

Heyyyyy Beautiessss

In this post I am going to be talking about the first zodiac sign, Aries!

Aries Basic Information

Aries is the first of the 12 zodiac signs.

Time- around 21st March- 20th April- includes the 1st of April

(I mention this because you may associate Aries with April because it includes the 1st of the month, we sometimes think of the 1st of the month when we think of specific signs and it can help us remember the dates off the top of our head a bit easier ).

Polarity- Positive/Masculine/Yang Polarity

Element- Fire Elemental Sign

Mode/Quality- Cardinal Mode

Season- Beginning of Spring (Northern Hemisphere), Beginning of Autumn (Southern Hemisphere)

Ruling Planet- Mars

Ruling House- 1st House

Gemstone/s- Diamond, Bloodstone, Ruby, Aquamarine

Flower/s- Honeysuckle, Tiger Lilly

Colour/s- Red/Deep Purple

Constellation- includes 4 Bright Stars- Hamal, Sheratan, Mesarthim and 41 Aries.

Opposite Sign- Libra

Sign 1- Aries Description/Summary

As I said, Aries is the first sign in the zodiac. It is a Cardinal sign (if you want to see my post on the different Modes/Qualities, it is linked at the end of this post), which means that it marks the beginning of a season. Specifically, Aries marks the start of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, which is the start of Autumn/Fall in the Southern Hemisphere.

As the Cardinal mode suggests, coupled with it being the first zodiac sign, Aries is associated with new beginnings.

The categories that Aries is sorted in to- polarity, element and mode- makes it even more intense. For one, it has a Positive polarity. Secondly, it is a Fire sign and lastly, it has a Cardinal mode/quality. This is kind-of like a triple hit of energy. It's positive polarity makes it a leader, it's fire characteristics make it intense and directed and it's cardinal mode gives it motivation and determination.

The Ruling Planet of Aries is Mars, which is the ruling planet of the Fire element in general. This makes Aries even MORE intense.

Mars has long been associated with aggression and intensity, and it reflects Aries energy perfectly. When you think of Mars, think of Aries. Mars is red and intense. When it rises on the horizon at night, it is immediately noticeable and stands out from it's yellow and white counterparts.

When I look up into the sky and see Mars, I always think to myself... Imagine what our ancient ancestors thought when they first saw Mars and didn't know what it was. I am talking Babylonian times, when astronomy and astrology were at the beginning of the road and it wasn't understood completely. To look up into the sky and see a wandering bright red object that comes and goes with the year must of been surprising to them. I can just imagine them thinking that maybe the world was about to end.

As astronomy and astrology progressed, Mars was and still is used an uncountable amount of times to predict doom. In ancient times, astrologers looked at the position of Mars, and if it was in an active position, they predicted chaos. It is so bright and red and you immediately associate it with intensity, energy and aggression (I will dedicate an entire post to Mars soon, so I won't go into much detail here because this is about Aries), but this is how you can look at Aries.

When you first notice Arians, they may be scary and come across as intense, but you get used to them and depending on your own chart and personality, you may come to appreciate them (and you may not, ha ha).

Every one of the 12 Zodiac Signs has both positive and negative characteristics and none of them are fully bad or fully good, I am going to talk about the good vs bad traits some more...

Positive Characteristics of Aries

◦ Energetic

◦ Enthusiastic

◦ Determined

◦ Optimistic

◦ Organised

◦ Ambitious

◦ Motivated

◦ Strong Willed/ Strong Minded

◦ Confident

◦ Protective

◦ Direct/Straight Forward

◦ Honest

◦ Spontaneous

◦ Innovative

◦ Brave/Courageous

◦ Good Leaders/ Strong Leadership Skills

◦ Independent/ Self-Reliant

◦ Playful/Romantic

As I said, Aries is an intense sign. People with their Sun in Aries, or people who have a lot of activity in Aries may be very energetic, active, assertive and direct. They are great leaders, and are highly ambitious and motivated. They take the initiative, and are great at organising and directing others.

People with Aries energy know what they want, and once they set their mind to something, they can be pretty unstoppable. They are enthusiastic, highly energetic and innovative. They are independent and self-reliant, not counting on other people to help them get what they want and instead making the first move themselves. They can be extremely playful, romantic and fun people to be around. It can sometimes seem that Arians never get tired and can be on the go constantly.

Aries are focused on the here and now; they are most likely to be more concerned with the present than the past and far-future. They don't really dwell on the past, and move forward without letting much hold them back.

People with strong Aries are brave, courageous and don't back down from conflict, especially if they are fighting for something they believe in. They don't like to see injustice, and are highly likely to stick up for and defend other people, especially if they feel like that person is being wronged and is unable to stand up for themselves. Alternatively, they are very protective of themselves, and won't let other people walk all over them. They are extremely protective and strong-minded, honest and confident.

Negative Characteristics of Aries




Self Absorption

◦ Insensitive/ Inconsiderate

Impatient / Too Fast Paced/ Rushed





Too Honest/Too Direct

Easily Bored



People with their Sun in Aries, or a lot of activity in it, may come across as TOO intense, and they may be hard to get used to. They do not work well with orders, especially if they don't agree with them, and they may try and take charge and find it difficult to work under others.

Sometimes Arians can be too competitive, and may have a hard time judging situations and realising where competing is necessary and when it is inappropriate. They are very fast-paced, and may get annoyed at people who are slower than them. They won't necessarily avoid people like this, but they may have a hard time understanding how other people seem to dawdle through life when they are completely different, have such intense energy and are very directed, knowing what they want or where they want to go in advance.

Look at it like this, if an Arian is about to, say, leave a lecture and go get lunch, they will most likely throw their books in their bag and run down the steps, knowing what they are going to do way before they doing it. They may notice that their friend is taking their time and putting their books in neatly, not pushing through the line to get out of the class and are just being more humble and slow. They may wait for them at the door after pushing through the crowd, and think, oh my god, I wish my friend would hurry up, let's go!.. That's Arian energy. They don't mean to be so intense but they just are. They do not like to dawdle through life and probably feel like there is just not enough hours in the day to get everything done! This is a good and a bad thing depending on the situation. Some people, especially people with low Arian energy and a lot of Earth energy, may find it impossible to get used to how fast-paced Arians are, and may feel rushed and stressed when they are with them.

The fast-paced nature of Aries can lead to accidents and unfortunate situations, such as traffic accidents or road rage fights as they are very impatient and may speed or participate in other dangerous activities relating to their fast energy.

Arians can become quite aggressive, especially when they are arguing with people who do not have the same opinions as them, and this can lead to conflict as they refuse to back down or reach a middle ground. They may be quite arrogant and self-centred, and may have a hard time remembering that they are not the centre of the world and that they are not always right. Their great leadership skills may sometimes manifest and come across as bossy and controlling, which can be hard for others to handle.

While Arians have no issue starting tasks, and have a lot of idea's, they may become bored pretty easily and may not always finish everything they set out to do. They have no trouble starting things but the issue arises when it comes to finishing them. In this way, they may have trouble focusing on one task, preferring to multi-task but not always being able to work proactively and effectively because they are just doing too much at once.

Honesty is a positive trait of Aries, but sometimes they can be TOO direct, not taking into consideration the feelings of other people. They are spontaneous and this is a good trait, but on the extreme side of this they are too impulsive, not fully thinking out the situation before getting themselves into it, which can be quite dangerous and damaging at times.

How can Arians Balance their Negative Traits?

There are so many ways that Arians can learn to balance themselves, helping to tame the natural negative traits they may have.

For one, if they remind themselves that not everything is a race, they can learn how to be more calm in situations where they just want to be the opposite of calm. Referring back to our lecture analogy, when the lecture ends, an Arian could say to themselves, 'okay, let's go slow, let's not push through, let's just breathe'. Of-course, they should not try to get rid of their intense energy unless they need to, but in some situations it will be good for them if they can learn to calm themselves. They can do this easily by just talking to themselves and reminding themselves to be calm. Developing a mantra and learning how to breathe in these situations can be good. For example, a simple 'be calm, be calm' may be enough.

They can use their high energy levels to their advantage in so many ways and in so many situations in life, but again, sometimes it can be good for them to learn how to tame their energy and learn how to be more calm. This will always be a challenge for them as their natural energy is the opposite of calm, but it is very achievable if they work on it. This can help them avoid bad situations relating to their fast energy, such as traffic accidents caused by impatience.

It will also be good if they start to understand that not every part of life is a competition. Even though Arians thrive in competitive situations, it can be draining for them and the people around them if they allow it to seep into their everyday life. No-one wants to be around someone who constantly wants to compete. It can really give people a bad impression of Arians and put a bad taste in people's mouths, and not only that, it can have a very adverse effect on their mental health.

People with a lot of Arian energy may become addicted to social media and trying to one-up everyone else. This can have a damaging impact on their self-esteem as they attempt to compete with everyone and anyone. No two people are the same and trying to achieve this is impossible. So.... if Arians start to notice and be mindful of when they are being too competitive, comparing themselves to others and trying to figure out ways to do better than others, they can start to tame this energy. They may do well with a social media break if this energy gets too intense, this does not mean they have to go off the radar, they can still post but should limit their scrolling through news-feeds while they refresh their mind.

Someone with a lot of Arian energy may be prone to mental issues such as ADHD and anxiety, and may do well with seeing a psychiatrist or psychologist if they cannot deal with their intense energy on their own and if it starts to present problems in their every-day life. They may even need to consider medication, in exceptional cases. This does NOT mean that everyone who is a Sun Aries or has a lot of Arian energy is going to be ADHD, it just means that their nature may make them more susceptible to these kind of conditions and it may be necessary for them to seek help at times. This is the case with most of the Fire signs, and it can be even more intense for Aries as it has Cardinal qualities.

Although being able to multi-task is optimal, sometimes Arians need to focus on less so that they can actually finish what they set out to do.

Suitable Careers and Professions for Aries

Sun Arians and people with a lot of activity in Aries are going to work best in positions where they are in a leadership role. They need to have patience and rise through the ranks, and must understand that at times they will have to work under other people to get to the top. However they will always work best in positions where they have some control, and they love working towards and completing a challenge, so they are really effective at leading.

Arians will work well in jobs where they are organising and working towards a task. They may be great at setting up events, because they are able to take the leadership role, organise, direct and 'boss' people around. Their intense energy means that they will get the job done and are reliable in this way. They may also work really well in businesses where they are directing and handing a lot of people. If they have patience, they will work well in CEO positons, if they can handle rising through the ranks to get where they want to be. They may also work well in the military or positions of authority.

They may make great detectives, although again, they will have to tame themselves and be okay with taking time to rise to the top. They will have a strong desire to want to charge through and rush thing's, but if they are patient enough, their energy and dedication will get them to where they want to be in regards to rising up the ranks. They do not do well with orders, but it's necessary at times and if they can direct their energy in the right way, they can be extremely successful.

Arians are also competitive, so they do well in sports or other competitive positions. Whether this is as a full time job or just a side thing, they thrive in competitive situations. Sometimes it is not practical to set your mind on a full time career in sports because it is one in a million at times but Arians will do well in positions where they are dealing with competitive energy, which can be quite intense. Some people can not deal with the strain and stress of constant competition, but Arians seems to be able to do this better than people who don't have a lot of Aries energy.

Some Examples of Jobs Arians Might Succeed In Include (but are not limited to....)

◦ Event Planner ◦ CEO/Manager

◦ Doctor/Surgeon/Nursing ◦ Sports ◦ Athletics

◦ Military/Police/Firefighting/EMT/Paramedic ◦ Authority Positons ◦ Detective

◦ Lawyer ◦ Sales/Marketing ◦ Entrepreneur/Business Owner

Aries Keywords

Assertive Outgoing ◦ Aggressive

◦ Energetic ◦ Brave ◦ Motivated

◦ Active ◦ Self-Absorbed/Selfish ◦ Domineering

◦ Impatient ◦ Arrogant ◦ Passionate

◦ Innovative ◦ Competitive ◦ Tempered

◦ Straightforward ◦ Direct ◦ Blunt

◦ Honest ◦ Leader ◦ Ambitious

◦ Controlling ◦ Fast

Links To My Related Posts

My Post on Planets/Angles in Aries- Coming

My Post on House Cusps in Aries- Coming

Thanks for Reading Babes!!!

Love Always, Keeley, xoxoxoxoxo

I am going to put up information on how you can request a chart reading from me soon xoxoox

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