Heyyyy Beautiesss
In this post I am going to be talking about the second zodiac sign, Taurus!

Taurus Basic Information
Taurus is the second of the 12 zodiac signs.
Time- around 21st April- 20th May- includes the 1st of May
(I mention this because you may associate Taurus with May because it includes the 1st of the month, we sometimes think of the 1st of the month when we think of specific signs and it can help us remember the dates off the top of our head a bit easier )
Polarity- Negative/Feminine/Yin
Element- Earth
Mode/Quality- Fixed
Season- Middle of Spring (Northern Hemisphere), Middle of Autumn (Southern Hemisphere)
Ruling Planet- Venus
Ruling House- 2nd House
Gemstone/s- Emerald, Diamond, Rose Quartz
Flower/s- Rose and Poppy
Colour/s- Green
Constellation- includes multiple stars, it is quite a large constellation with individual stars and clusters- around 25 stars- brightest/most notable include Hyades, Aldebaran, Pleiades.
Opposite Sign- Scorpio
Sign 2- Taurus Description/Summary
As I said, Taurus is the second sign in the zodiac. Taurus has a Fixed Mode (my post on the different Modes/Qualities is linked at the end), which means that it marks the Middle of a Season. Specifically, Taurus marks the Middle of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, which is the Middle of Autumn/Fall in the Southern Hemisphere.
Taurus has a Negative/Feminine/Yin Polarity and is an Earth Element Sign.

The Ruling Planet of Taurus is Venus. Venus is associated with pleasure and love (among other things), and Taurians are very sensual and pleasure driven. They are very connected to their senses, and find pleasure in the physical.
Every one of the 12 Zodiac Signs have both positive and negative characteristics and none of them are fully bad or fully good, I am going to talk more about the good vs bad traits of Taurus...
Positive Characteristics of Taurus

◦ Reliable
◦ Dependable
◦ Non-Confrontational
◦ Peaceful
◦ Lawful/ Follows the Law
◦ Respectful
◦ Respectful/Caring of Property and Possessions
◦ Stable
◦ Security Minded
◦ Hard Working
◦ Persistent
◦ Methodical
People with their Sun in Taurus or a lot of activity in Taurus create and stick to routines, and have no problem forming habits and day-to-day schedules. In this way, they are more likely to everything that they need to do done , and they are less likely to procrastinate. Taurus is extremely persistent, hard-working and methodical, and they have a really good work ethic.
Taurus is extremely dependable and reliable. They do like being helpful, but this reliability may be more due to their ability to stick to routine and their aversion to change. If they plan something with someone, they are very likely to follow through and not let the person down. They plan thing's extremely well and do not like deviating from their plans once they are set, so they are certainly dependable in this way. For example, if a Taurian says that they will take you shopping or babysit for you, they probably won't let you down. They stick to their plans. They are the type of people who will not take a day off work unless it is completely necessary, and they keep appointments and do not like changing their routine once it is set. You can take their word for it the majority of the time, and they will only make changes if it is completely necessary and even then grudgingly.
Taurians are very respectful when it comes to property, and they can be trusted to look after an item for someone. They are not the type of people who will trash a house, and they may be extremely neat and orderly in regards to how they keep their home. They follow the law and do well with rules. Physical and material security is extremely important to Taurus, and they are the type of people that protect their property at all costs. Even though Taurus can be materialistic, they do not necessarily always seek extreme wealth and are happy in situations where they are secure but not exactly extremely wealthy. They are stable, and they will most likely do well in stable relationships where they feel mentally secure and safe.
Although they are work minded, once Taurus decides that they want to let loose and relax, they do it well. They know how to have fun. Since they are pleasure driven, they may like to indulge in a few drinks after a hard week at work. In moderation, this type of pleasure seeking activities isn't an issue for Taurians. They may also really enjoy activities that give them physical pleasure and put them into nature, such as hiking and running, especially on scenic routes.
Negative Characteristics of Taurus

◦ Possessiveness
◦ Materialistic
◦ Greedy
◦ Jealousy
◦ Inflexible
◦ Stubborn
◦ Non-Forgiving
◦ Pleasure Seeking
◦ Too Serious
The Fixed Quality of Taurus makes them very inflexible and extremely resistant to change. They establish very rigid routines and habits, and can become very frustrated when thing's get in the way of them. Being able to establish and stick to a routine and form habits is a good trait, however, it becomes negative when Taurians are completely against even the slightest deviation from these routines and as I said, can become quite frustrated and sometimes extremely annoyed with even subtle changes. If people get in the way of their set patterns, they won't be too happy with them and may even start a fight over it (although they do not necessarily like conflict, certainly not as much as Fire signs do, but if you force them to change or deviate from their plans, that's when the claws will come out). When change or new items are introduced, it will take Taurus a while to get their head around and accept, and although their initial reaction may be adverse, they will eventually get used to the idea, but it will take time.
Taurus strong habit forming ways and difficulty to accept change , coupled with their intense attraction to physical pleasure, can create the perfect storm in regards to becoming addicted to drugs, alcohol or other pleasurable activities. Not only can they become extremely addicted to anything that gives them physical pleasure, it can be so hard for them to break and change these bad habits. Their ability to become used to a routine can be an extremely beneficial characteristic when it comes to positive activities, but if they create a routine involving less positive activities, this is where the problems can arise and this trait can turn negative.
Taurians can be quite stubborn and rigid, and it can be hard for them to see thing's from other people's perspectives, especially if they have strong opinions on the issue/idea in question. They may avoid conflict but once someone has engaged in conflict with them, they hold grudges and do not forgive easily. They are the type of people who will completely cut someone out of their life if they are upset by them, and the person may never make it back into their life, justified or not. If they are offended, they are very unforgiving. The saying 'Water off a duck's back' certainly does not apply to Taurus and they can take thing's very seriously.
Taurus can be very materialistic and greedy, and may be too attached to physical pleasure. They may seek out physical pleasure at all costs, which can get them into very dangerous situations. They may be more susceptible to forming bad habits and addictions, and they are more likely to turn to alcohol and drugs for pleasure, as opposed to turning to these things to cover up trauma. They may become TOO greedy and materialistic, and can seek out possessions to the point it becomes detrimental. They may go into debt without thinking about the long-term consequences , only thinking about their desires to get what they want. They may become very easily bored with possessions once they get them, and in the next breathe may be moving onto the next thing. They can buy and buy and buy and accumulate a lot of belongings but may never be content or happy with them, always wanting more and never being satisfied.
In relationships, Taurus can become possessive, controlling and jealous. They may even start to believe that they 'own' their partner, or can look at them as another one of their possessions. They can be the same way with their physical possessions, becoming obsessive and may turn to hoarding rather than throwing things away or giving what they don't need to other people or charity, etc.
Although Taurus can be romantic and likes to be in stable relationships where they feel secure, they tend to hold onto things and have a hard time letting go, even when a relationship or job has run it's course. Again, this is a result of there extreme adversity to any form of change.
How can Taurus Balance their Negative Traits?
There are so many ways that Taurus can learn to balance themselves, helping to tame the natural negative traits they may have.

Taurus is very inflexible and set in their ways and while this does have practical applications and a lot of positive benefits, change in life is completely inevitable and can not be avoided. Thus, Taurians will do better if they learn how to be less resistant to change. Sometimes they need to understand that although their routine works, change is not always a bad thing and may have some positive effects.
When Taurians realise that they have a propensity to accumulate possessions and be materialistic, they can start to cut down on it and become less greedy. If they continue to remind themselves that sometimes they do not NEED everything they WANT, they can control their desire to buy more and more. Sometimes all they need to do is sit back and look at what they do have as opposed to looking at what they don't have. This doesn't mean they have to completely stop trying to get thing's and possessions that they want. It just means that they can start to control the intensity of their desires, and instead of going into debt to get something NOW, they can start to save up for the item. This will prevent a large loss, debt and will give them satisfaction when they actually do save up to get what they want.
When people with their Sun in Taurus or a lot of activity in Taurus understand their relationship to pleasure, especially physical pleasure, they can start to identify ways in which this may have an adverse impact on their life. They can find ways to avoid falling into bad habits connected to their pleasure-seeking, and in this way they may be able to avoid becoming addicted to certain things. If they understand that they do have an intense need for physical pleasure, they can try to avoid things that they know they will probably become addicted too, like feel-good drugs which can turn into habits easily. Once Taurus forms habits, it can be extremely hard for them to break them, so if they can prevent this, it will be extremely beneficial.
Once Taurians know that they can be quite stubborn and un-forgiving, they can start to form mind patterns to become less intense in this way. If they feel really hurt by someone and just want to cut them off, depending on the situation, it wouldn't hurt them at times to understand that people make mistakes and sometimes it isn't that serious. Becoming more forgiving when the situation calls for it will help them feel less attacked all the time and will help them dissipate the anger that they sometimes feel for other people. It will also prevent them from loosing friends, and becoming more forgiving is always going to be beneficial.
In relationships, Taurus needs to understand that another person can not become a possession, and once they realise that they can become jealous easily, they can find ways to remind themselves that there is no reason to be jealous. Not only will this be extremely beneficial for their mental health (being jealous is a horrible feeling), it will also help their relationships in regards to other people immensely. Taurus also needs to learn to know when to move on and when they have to let go of something, such as a job or relationship. They need to remind themselves that nothing lasts forever, and that thing's in life sometimes come to an end and that it's natural. If they focus their energies on moving on, they will form new habits and be feeling better in no time.
Suitable Careers and Professions for Taurus

People with their Sun in Taurus or who have a lot of activity in Taurus like to surround themselves with possessions, and like to indulge and be around beautiful thing's and luxury. This can make them good at working in positions where they are surrounded by such thing's, such as working in sales and in stores. Since they have a great interest in luxury and items, they are able to remember the details, and can thus guide people in the direction of what they want to buy with great enthusiasm.
In this way, they may also work well in Creative fields such as Art and Music , as they have a great appreciation for works of art and musical instruments, etc. They may work well in places such as museums, where they can show people around exhibits and won't become overwhelmed by the sheer number of items because they thrive in places like these. Their artistic abilities also make them good at designing, and they may be good at careers where they can take control , such as interior designing or project design. They work well where they can create thing's from scratch and where they can use their mind to bring things into being.
Taurus is very connected to the Earth (being an Earth element) and Taurians may thrive in careers where they are working directly with it and where they are outdoors, such as gardening, growing plants and growing/arranging flowers (working as a florist). They may also make good photographers and may be good at working with beauty, such as being a makeup artist or designing products.
They are very methodical and stick to routine and procedures, so they may also be good at jobs such as working in a bank or in other positions where they have to follow a set procedure and repeat the same methods. They may work really well in situations where they have to plan and organise as they are extremely good at creating routines and preventing any deviation from them, and may work as great personal assistants or in other positions where they have to organise schedules and work-loads.
Some Examples of Jobs Taurians Might Succeed In Include (but are not limited to....)
◦ Artist ◦ Designing ◦ Musician
◦ Gardener/Plant Growing/Florist ◦ Cook/Chef/Restaurant Worker or Manager
◦ Financer/Stock Broker ◦ Sales
◦ Banker ◦ Photographer ◦ Museum Worker/Maintenance
◦ Makeup Artist ◦ Product Creation ◦ Planning/Organising/Personal Assistant
Taurus Keywords
◦ Materialistic ◦ Possessive ◦ Greedy
◦ Methodical ◦ Practical ◦ Pleasure
◦ Sensual ◦ Stable ◦ Reliable
◦ Dependable ◦ Routine ◦ Inflexible
◦ Productive ◦ Down-to-Earth ◦ Peaceful
◦ Law Abiding/Lawful

Links To My Related Posts
My Post on Planets/Angles in Taurus- Coming
My Post on House Cusps in Taurus- Coming
My Post About Polarity- https://keeelyx.wixsite.com/keeleybellayoga/post/the-polarity-groups-in-astrology-positive-masculine-yang-vs-negative-feminine-yin
My Post About Element Groups- https://keeelyx.wixsite.com/keeleybellayoga/post/the-elements-in-astrology-triplicities
My Post About The Modes- https://keeelyx.wixsite.com/keeleybellayoga/post/the-three-modes-qualities-in-astrology-quadruplicities
All of My Astrology Posts- https://keeelyx.wixsite.com/keeleybellayoga/all-astrology
Thanks for Reading Babes!!!
Love Always, Keeley, xoxoxoxoxo
I am going to put up information on how you can request a chart reading from me soon xoxoox
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My Beauty Blog/Main Site- www.keeleybsmith.com